A&G Social Media Content Design Internship
While interning at Allen & Gerritsen, an advertising and marketing agency in Boston and Philadelphia, I planned and designed Instagram and LinkedIn graphics as well as animations for A&G and its heathcare client Bridges, including brands such as: Absorbine Jr., Anti Monkey Butt, Albolene, Certain DRI, Cystex, and Florajen. I also designed Albolene’s influencer compaign PR package.

Bridges Consumer Healthcare client work

Albolene influencer package design

Albolene is a gentle makeup remover that simultaneously moisturizes skin. I was tasked with designing Albolene’s influencer PR package for their new upcoming product launch. The target audience of these new products will be younger (ages 20-30) than the that of the older Albolene products. I was provided renderings of the new products and their bottle designs in addition to product advertisements which helped inform my PR package design to ensure the look and feel stay consistent. 

New product renderings 

Advertisement graphics

Influencer PR package design

Cystex Influencer Card

Cystex is a “urinary health brand that helps anyone manage the pain and discomfort of urinary tract infections (UTIs).” To go inside of the Cystex influencer package, I designed a doubled-sided card explaining more about what Cystex is and their three products: Cystex Urinary Health Maintenance, Cystex UTI Pain Relief Tablets, and Cystex PM.

Florajen Women Instagram Gif

Florajen Women is one of Florajen’s product lines that spefically helps restore and maintain a healthy balance of vaginal flora in addition to maintaining vaginal pH. I animated this post for their #DYK series.

Other Florajen posts I’ve designed:

A&G Social

Amperism series

An “Amperism” is an A&G riff off of their primary logo mark “&” (an ampersand). On their social media channels, A&G captions the occasional “Amperism” post with #Amperism. I really enjoyed designing “Amperism” graphics as they contain an evocative statement and utilize “elegantly simple and minimal design (typography, color, layout, etc.) – with sudden splashes of vibrant, baroque, and awesome imagery (classical art, astronomical renderings, etc.).”

Past #Amperisms examples 

Fashion changes. Style is timeless. Amperism graphics 

Let’s ruffle some feathers Amperism graphics

Tinker tinker. Nudge nudge. Amperism animation


Monday March 7 2022